Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Budget Workshop

August 23, 2016

4:00 p.m.


Present:               Brenda A. Holt, Chair, District 4

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Sherrie Taylor, District 5

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of Court

                                Robert Presnell, County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk




  Chair called meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.


Mr. Presnell said they were picking up from last workshop and were looking at $15 Million budget.


$280,000 for TCC roof removed; County marketing $40,000 removed; building inspector position removed $51,000



Fire personnel training                  $ 25,000

Primary Care Services                    $ 50,000

Parks                                                     $175,000

Grant Matches                                  $ 10,000

Midway Seniors                                                $ 10,000

Constitutional Officers                   $203,400

Healthcare Coordinator                 $ 96,300


Estimated General Fund Balance


Expect to see relief next year with property taxes


Last workshop were directed to look at across board decrease



want final direction regarding non-profits today


Commissioner Taylor asked about health care coordinator & where came from-Holt said her and included insurance and needed someone on top of things


   Commissioner Morgan arrived at this juncture of the meeting.


Taylor said she heard what Holt was saying and needed something in place but did they need this at this time.   Feels out of sorts approving that when did not approve building inspector.


Holt said did not make up survey nor give results, but if going to stay on top, need someone who knows what going on


V said felt was something county needed because healthy people were employable people and asked with regard to new position, what was salary for someone that did this for other counties of same size


Commissioner Hinson arrived at this juncture of meeting.


Taylor said now had Max Martinez with Health Council and now no longer has responsibility of Health Department and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation did say that some of their data was antiquated information


Holt said if intended to get traction put someone in charge


Taylor said if county was making effort to collect info, what other responsibility expected of coordinator-Holt said responsible to help dig out of hole


V said was a conference call that someone should be on now with regards to rural impact county challenge and dealt with rural county poverty rate.  Lot of activities that were health related-believe path need to go down but not in favor of amount of salary. Holt said looking at $70,000 salary plus benefits and could up or down salary.


Morgan said he saw there were different options to balance budget-not in favor of hiring additional staff, no problem with taking current position and give more responsibilities-encouraged board to look at different options – suggested 3% across board cut and moving $340,000 from reserves to balance budget


Hinson said would like to know why $1.1 deficient and want to know how got to that point before making decision.


Presnell said nothing that happened overnight or this budget year.  Revenues decreased and county started feeling it in ’09, expenses went up, cut-backs then, and explained increase in requests from non-profits, summer youth program increased, Senior citizen funding increased, Medicaid increased, increased funding for parks, significant investment in economic development, added ambulance, employee increase costs for medical insurance and retirement, no one thing county did that costs $1 Million just combination with flat revenues


Hinson said with EMS, was already in budget, said used to teach math and wanted to see numbers to help make better decision


Presnell said at end of year always put cash back in cash reserves and numbers would change, saved $371,000 with changes made since budget process began.


Holt said trying to nail down what wanted and wanted to finish page 3 so could move on


Taylor asked about $203,000 for constitutional officers if for cost of insurance -Presnell said last workshop was consensus around Board to cover increased personnel costs and included server for finance department, everything else FRS and health insurance related.


Morgan asked about Primary Care Services-Presnell said working with Health Department and plan was to get ARNP to see patients and provide primary health care services


Morgan said not OK with page


Holt said Hinson had questions on how got to $1.1; V ok with health coordinator but wanted to make sure look at reduction in costs and could be adjusted


V said before leave page, concerned with $1.1 cash fund balance withdrawal -has heard last budget workshop were decreasing amount drawing on and when borrowing less to do more are actually getting better-decrease in rate at which draw on and felt healthy and felt in right direction and hoped next year withdraw less.  Hopeful where were and in support of option of Morgan as another way to make work


Holt looked at Effects on Department and looking at 3% reduction and could not see reduction with EMS and Fire- had no problem with budget way is now


Morgan said needed to decide and have certain costs of doing business; revenues going down and at some point lines will cross-have to cut spending in order to remain healthy-need to maintain healthy fund balance – when economy starts growing can enjoy adding things back in.  Morgan said could look at funding for non-profits and prioritize. 


V asked Administrator, for assumption purposes, if they adopted 1% across board, how it would impact.  Never know what emergencies may happen and if cut, may not have when needed.  Thinks 1% cut way to go across board.


Taylor asked Manager if 1% cut across board implemented, would it affect someone’s job-don’t think it would under departments under Board-can’t speak for other elected officials


Holt said had her at 0%; V possibly 1%; Morgan at 3%; Hinson at 0% and Holt did not think $1.1 too much to draw down,


Hinson thought $700,000 for economic development already in budget and asked how it worked-Mr. Presnell said it was for 2 years but they passed new policy  to provide incentives for expanding or new businesses and $700,000 was in general budget and no reason to budget this year.


V said leaning toward no cuts but if must have one, 1% is healthiest


Hinson said if kept like was, still had $5 Million and county is in great fiscal position currently


Taylor said if looked at like-last year had $6.1 Million in reserve-this year have $5 Million- don’t want to continue borrowing money to fund budget.  Must agree to disagree, things added, not in support of health care coordinator position currently and would like to see building inspector position added back


Holt asked where she was at cutting percentages-not cutting across board right now.


Hinson felt need to add position for mosquito sprayer-have truck, need to add personnel-Presnell said just got $5,000 per month from additional State dollars and can use that and can use funds to pay public work personnel additional salary for overtime to use truck.  Morgan said some municipalities have their own truck.


V wanted to visit non-profits


Presnell said this was not workshop, but special meeting and was advertised as such.  Taylor pointed out flyer said workshop.


Holt said for Departments, had 4 at 0% and Morgan at 3% cut for departments


V said keeping non-profits as had last year-Presnell said incorporated some comments from previous meeting-if fund capital request of Art Center, figures go back up


Hinson said before go to art center, needed to look at Havana Community Development-they partner with communities, and need to go with that piece and move $25,000 to Havana Community Development-V said looked at $10,000 of $45,500 requested V said had no problem, Rotary asked for $10,000 & he suggested $5,000; We Care asking for $27,000 and suggested $5,500


Holt suggested leave art center at $5,000 and split $25,000 among health care.


Hinson said understood what was saying, see someone that growing and partnering with community-Boys and Girls Club different


Hinson said need to help ones out that trying to enhance neighborhood-


Holt said if look at other programs, Hinson said keep everything as is and review in few months.  Taylor agreed


V suggested split $25,000 between Art Center capital ($10,000) and Havana Community Development($15,000)


Taylor said in support of We Care and they helped quite few in county


Hinson asked what if did Havana $12.5; Art Center $10,000 & We Care $2,500


Morgan said not sure if followed conversation and asked if saying not to fund Art Center Capital and thought committed earlier in year agreed to fund


Holt said felt they saw what We Care had done and why need for health care coordinator, think need to start rotating organizations off list


Taylor asked if health care position be reduced maybe to $40,000-50,000 and then split money to other 3 organizations


Taylor said rule was if did not apply could not fund-was policy adopted if don’t apply-don’t fund


Taylor said Holt looking at bringing in $100,000 position when cutting in other areas


Holt said if interested, discuss later, not interested in funding now


Hinson said only needed 3 votes-go 10, 10 & 5 and review 3-5 months


V asked if saying if distribute the $25,000 and advertise position for coordinator at lower rate and find someone at cheaper rate, left-over $ brought back to distribute to non-profits


Hinson said had not thought too much about it


Holt said to what wanted on $25,000 and wanted to keep money to get someone for health care coordinator


$5,000 We care; $10,000 Art Center & $10,000 Havana Community Development


Taylor said in event advertise at lower rate and get certified person at lower rate, at balance to non-profits


Hinson said his position-wanted to see first if duplicating position-Holt said that person would report to Board, not State.


Hinson said great idea but wanted to talk with health department so don’t duplicate


Holt said not doing anything-who would bring business here with health ranking 67 out of 67 counties


Hinson wanted to have workshop before meeting because never heard about this until this meeting and would like to be able to ask questions before meeting. 


Presnell said one option was advertise and pull trigger later


V said going round and round-if money allocated does not mean has to be utilized-have money never used in the year and position be created when approved and to be brought back to determine job description and position


David said don’t want to give public impression county run program and don’t want to create potential liability.


Holt asked if going to look at $25,000


V said came to consensus of $10 art center, $10 Havana Community development, & $5 We care


Holt asked if any public comments no



Overview and Other Budget Issues








  Adjourned at 5:47 p.m.